
Fuelet Wallet produces some events in response to some of the user actions.


The fuel object has an events property which is an enum of all the events that can be listened to. The on method takes two arguments, the event name and a callback function. The callback function receives data associated with the event.


The connection event is triggered when the connection status between the currently selected account and the website changes. The payload of the event is a boolean object - it's true if the connection is established and false if it's withdrawn.

fuel.on(, console.log)

Current account

This event is triggered when the user selects a different account in the app. The payload is a string - the newly selected account address in Bech32 format.

fuel.on(, console.log)

Current network

The event is triggered when the user changes a network within the app. The payload is a string - the GraphQL endpoint of the selected network.

fuel.on(, console.log)

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